Back to School: 10th Edition


This is the final edition of the Back to School series! Over the last 10 weeks, we have discussed topics relevant to the beginning of a new school year. It is my hope that you have been able to reflect and apply some of the practices mentioned. I encourage you to continue being flexible and adaptable as the holiday’s and breaks are swiftly approaching. Make the necessary plans and preparation to ensure your child’s out of school time is educational and enriching.

Last week, we spent some time discussing Common Core. As a follow-up, I wanted to offer some additional information from my experience. In theory, Common Core is a great way to provide a foundation that can be built upon as your children progresses through each grade level. The reality of the situation is that there are other factors that hinder the theoretical realization and implementation of the standards within the classroom. These challenges come in the form of lack of training for teachers, misaligned curriculum, lack of support, limited funds, etc. These challenges vary as far as what teachers have control of because of the origins. They range from federal, state, district, and building level challenges. Administrators, teachers, and parents have the responsibility to control what is within their sphere of influence, thus we must take what we have been given and make the best of what we have to meet the emotional, physical, and psychological needs of learners related to academics.

Please be aware of the what Common Core means in your child’s school/classroom and how you can support your child’s learning both inside and outside of the classroom. I encourage you again to be informed about Common Core, as it is a key issue that you will see within the political arena as a topic of debate. Equip yourself with information to make informed decisions about your child’s education.

CHALLENGE: Please feel free to give me feedback on any topic that you would like to know more about, have questions about, or challenges you’re experiencing with your child.

Dr. Shameika Moment                                                                                                                  Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership

I am an educator, parent advisor, tutor, business owner, and aspiring author. I have taught students in K-12, inside the classroom and in the community from general education to social skills development. I have a passion for helping parents connect with, learn from, and support their children’s academic success and learning. This blog is one of many ventures to provide support for parents as they navigate the daily responsibilities.

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